Urban Utilites " The Rolls Family"

To transform their educational initiative into a travelling exhibition stand, Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) likely envisioned a dynamic and interactive experience that could reach a broader audience beyond digital platforms. Here’s how they might have planned to execute this:

  1. Interactive Displays: The travelling exhibition stand would feature interactive displays that engage visitors in a hands-on way. This could include touch screens or interactive games related to waste disposal and water conservation, leveraging the theme introduced by the Rolls family.
  2. Physical Props: Life-sized or large-scale props of the Rolls family characters and other related visuals would be prominently displayed. These props could serve as attention-grabbing focal points and help reinforce the campaign’s messages in a memorable way.
  3. Educational Workshops: QUU could host educational workshops or presentations at the exhibition stand. These sessions would provide deeper insights into the importance of proper waste disposal practices and could include demonstrations or activities that demonstrate the consequences of flushing improper items.
  4. Engaging Activities: To keep visitors engaged, the exhibition stand might include activities such as quizzes, competitions, or demonstrations related to water conservation and waste management. Prizes or giveaways themed around sustainability could incentivize participation.
  5. Mobile Outreach: The mobility of the exhibition stand would enable QUU to visit various locations such as schools, community events, or public spaces throughout Brisbane and surrounding areas. This flexibility ensures that the educational campaign reaches diverse demographics and maximizes its impact.
  6. Partnerships and Collaborations: QUU could collaborate with local schools, environmental organizations, or community groups to amplify the reach of the travelling exhibition stand. These partnerships could involve co-hosting events or integrating local perspectives on water and waste management issues.

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